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PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A Regular Meeting of the Mounds View City Council was called to order by Mayor <br />Neisen at 8:00 P.M., on January 28, 1974 at the Mounds View City Hall, 2401 <br />Highway #10, Mounds View, Minnesota 55112. <br />Present: <br />Mayor Neisen <br />Councilman Hodges <br />Councilman Baumgartner <br />Councilman Johnson <br />Councilman Pickar <br />Also Present: <br />Clerk- Administrator Zylla <br />Attorney Meyers <br />Engineer Bearden <br />MSP Neisen- Johnson) To approve the minutes of January 14, 1974 subject to <br />the addition of the name Gordon Fedor to a 3 year Recreation Commission <br />appointment under the mayoral appointments. <br />Residents Requests and Comments from the Floor <br />Keith Harstad presented plans for 72 townhouse units on County Road H2 and Long <br />Lake Road. The City Council approved the concept of townhouses on this property <br />at a hearing held on June 12, 1972 subject to the presentation of detailed plans. <br />The Mounds View Planning Commission approved the final site plan on December 26, <br />1973. Mr. Harstad requested issuance of building permits for his proposal. <br />He informed the Council that during plan review by the fire chief the question <br />of adequate water supply was raised. the fire chief has recommended a minimum <br />fire flow of 1500 gallons per minute before any permits are issued, and the <br />location of one additional hydrant. The fire chief has also advocated the <br />extension of an eight inch water main adjacent or replacing an existing six <br />inch main on H2 and the extension of an eight inch main from the existing six <br />inch main on H2 to the 12 inch main on Long Lake Road. <br />Mr. Harstad stated that he agrees to the placement of an additional hydrant on <br />the site, but questioned whether the existing water system would not supply <br />1500 gallons per minute. He added that he has had the fire flow computed and <br />that he was informed that the system will put out 1500 gallons per minute. He <br />said that when the system was designed in the area the engineer at that time, <br />Shelley Boehm, who has since left the firm of Comstock and Davis, knew that <br />townhouses would be planned for the area and he designed the system accordingly. <br />Mr. Harstad questioned why a system that was satisfactory two years ago is no <br />longer satisfactory. <br />Engineer Bearden replied that he does not know that to be a fact, but figures <br />that by extending an eight inch water main from the existing six inch main to <br />Long Lake Road on County Road H2 the system would generate 1500 gallons per <br />minute. The estimated cost would be $5,000.00 to $6,000.00. <br />5 Ayes <br />