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A Regular Meeting of the Mounds View City Council was called to order by Mayor <br />Nelsen at 8:00 P.M. on August 12, 1974, at the Mounds View City Hall, 2401 <br />Highway #10, Mounds View, Minnesota 55112. <br />Present: <br />Mayor Neisen <br />Councilman Hodges <br />Councilman Baumgartner <br />Councilman Johnson <br />Councilman Pickax. <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />MSP (Nelsen- Hodges) To approve the minutes of July 22, 1974 with a change in the <br />motion on page 11 to read "To direct the Deputy Clerk to forward a copy of Attorney <br />Meyers' letter of July 15th and Engineer Bearden's letter of July 18, 1974 regarding <br />Red Oak Estates No. 3 with a letter stating that before the signature of the hard <br />shell plat end she issuance of any more building permits these conditions be met <br />Also added to the minutes of July 22nd that there was an announcement made by Mayor <br />Neisen that a budget meeting would be held on July 29th at 6:30 P.M. 5 Ayes <br />MSP (Hodges Baumgartner) Tn amend the minutes with the correction of the spelling <br />on page 1 of Mr. Havland to Mr. Hovland. 5 Ayes <br />MSP (Johnson- Hodges) To approve the minutes of August 5, 1974. 5 Ayes <br />Residents Re.uests and Couuuents from the Floor <br />Also Present: <br />Acting Clerk- Treasurer Sandgren <br />Attorney Meyers <br />Engineer Eldon Comstock <br />Joe Hartinger appeared for the Launching Pad in regard to fencing along County Road <br />H2 to keep paper from blowing out of the parking lot, an issue that was discussed <br />about two months ago. <br />Councilman Baumgartner commented he had seen the fence and would have liked to <br />see it go to the westerly edge of the building. One of the objects of the fence <br />was to cover up the rear of the building from the residents across the street. <br />The fence is approximately 20 feet from the easterly edge of the building. <br />Mr. Hartinger stated it was 26 feet to allow for the driveway. <br />Councilman Baumgartner wanted to see some type of screening fence (cyclone or woven) <br />in the back of the building to cover up the beer cases, etc. from the residents. <br />Mr. Hartinger stated he has ordered slats to be put over the present cyclone fence. <br />The slats had to be specially made b_cause it is a 48 inch high fence higher than <br />the 42 inches required. <br />Mayor Neisen explained that the Launching Pad had previously paid for a six month <br />liquor license and had only been granted it for three months at that time. Now <br />they should grant them the rest of the three months. <br />