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Present: Mayor Neisen <br />Councilman Hodges <br />Councilman Baumgartner <br />Counci Johnson <br />Councilman Pickar <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A Regular Meeting of the Mounds View City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Nelsen at 8:00 P.M., on August 26, 1974, at the Mounds View City Hall, <br />2401 Highway #10, Mounds View, Minnesota 55112. <br />Also Present: Clerk- Typist Peddycoart <br />Attorney Meyers <br />Engineer Bearden <br />MSP (Neisen- Johnson) To approve the minutes of August 12, 1974 with the <br />following corrections: On Page 9, second paragraph, second sentence to read <br />"He will make a recommendation at the next Council Meeting." On Page 9, <br />Attorney Meyers's Report, first sentence should read Red Oak Estates #3, instead <br />of Red Oak Estates #2; and, last paragraph first sentence should read "summons <br />and complaint" instead of summons on complaint. <br />Residents Requests and Comments from the Floor <br />Michael Roos, 5260 Greenfield Avenue, spoke on behalf of the residents in his <br />area complaining about the offensive food odor from the Anchor Inn. They feel <br />this food odor is a real nuisance and it is lowering the market value of their <br />property. They have talked to the management of the Anchor Inn and have received <br />almost no response and for this reason they are seeking help from the City <br />Council in remedying this situation. There is no food odor from Donatelle's <br />and they see no reason why the Anchor Inn cannot install some type of filtration <br />system to eliminate this problem. <br />MSP (Neisen- Hedges) To appoint Arlene Peddycoart Deputy Clerk to take minutes <br />for the duration of the Council Meeting. <br />MSP (Neisen Hodges) To receive a petition from residents on Greenfield, Jeffery <br />O'Connell, Edgewood and Ridge Lane, and to forward it to Attorney Meyers for <br />research and report back in two weeks. Councilman Johnson asked Mr. Roos <br />exa,tly what kind of response he did receive from the Anchor Inn. Mr. Roos <br />reported that they said they had a fan and he replied "yes, but your fan is <br />blowing the odor out into the neig:iborhood." Mr. Roos suggested filters etc., <br />but they did not respond to his suggestions. Kathy Shun, 5240 Greenfield Ave., <br />stated she also had spoken to Anchor Inn management and they were very abrupt <br />and offered no positive response for remedy of this situation. <br />Attorney Meyers suggested that the City Building inspector investigate this <br />problem and talk to Anchor Inn Management, checking into the type of system <br />they presently use. Mayor Neisen directed the building inspector to talk to <br />Mr. Gydeson in regard to above and report back to the Council at the neat <br />meeting. <br />Mrs. Fulwider requested permission for Attorney Meyers to purchase their home <br />at 8347 Eastwood in accordance with Project 1973 -4. <br />MSP (Hodges- Fickar) To approvt the purchase of the Fulwider home for x]9,900. <br />5 Ayes <br />5 Ayes <br />