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A regular meeting of the Mounds View City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Pickar on September 27, 1976 at 8:00 p.m., at Mounds View City Hall, <br />2401 Highway #10, Mounds View, MN 55112. <br />Present: Mayor Pickar <br />Councilmember Hodges <br />Councilmember Baumgartner <br />Councilmember Rowley <br />Councilmember Shelquist <br />MSP (Pickar- Rowley) to appoint Carla Wirth as Deputy Clerk for this meeting <br />due to the absence of Administrator Achen. 5 ayes <br />MSP (Hodges- Baumgartner) to approve the minutes of September 13, 1976 <br />as corrected. Councilmember Shelquist abstained because he was absent <br />from this meeting. <br />MSP (Rowley Hodges) to approve the minutes of September 20, 1976 as <br />presented. Councilmembers Shelquist and Baumgartner abstained from <br />voting because they were absent from this meeting. <br />CITIZENS COMMENTS AND REQUESTS <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Also present: Attorney Meyers <br />Engineer Hubbard <br />Mike Herat, 8180 Eastwood Drive, stated that he would like the City to <br />run the dog control differently. Instead of picking up anybody's dog, <br />just pick up the trouble dogs. If the City receives a complaint they <br />should only check out the problem 2rea. <br />Mayor Pickar stated that the City often gets some general complaints. <br />It is hard to pin down which dogs are from the neighborhood and which <br />dogs are running around. Mayor Pickar stated that there is a leash law. <br />Mr. Herst stated that there are very few complaints in his area and the <br />problem is with dogs from a few blocks away. He does not believe in the <br />leash law because dogs are suppose to protect the owners property. <br />Councilmember Shelquist questioned what should be done with the dogs? <br />Mr. Herat stated that people should shoot dogs that run around and he would <br />not care if somebody kicked his dog to get him off their property. Council= <br />member Baumgartner stated that instead of shooting the dog, the owner be <br />talked to because they are responsible for their dog. <br />Mayor Pickar stated that if Mr. Herst could find enough people that feel <br />the same as he does a hearing on the leash law could be held. <br />Mrs. Walter Kraseman, 4050 Glenhaven Lane, presented the Council with a <br />petition against the mobile home tiedowns. <br />k Mike Lauterbach, 8193 Eastwood Drive, stated he objected to the dog <br />ordinance too because of the vandalism going on. The community <br />4 ayes <br />1 abstain <br />3 ayes <br />2 abstain <br />