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PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A regular meeting of the Mounds View City Council was called to order by Mayor <br />Pickar at 7:30 pm on July 25, 1977 at the Mounds View City Hall, 2401 Highway 10, <br />Mounds View, Minnesota 55112. <br />Members Present: Also Present: <br />Mayor Pickar <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Rowley <br />Ziebarth <br />Baumgartner <br />Hodges <br />Clerk- Administrator Achen <br />Engineer Hubbard <br />MSP (Hodges Ziebarth) to approve the minutes of the July 11, 1977 meeting as <br />presented. 4 ayes <br />1 abstain <br />Councilmember Rowley explained that she had abstained since she was absent from <br />the July 11 meeting. <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS AND REQUESTS <br />Mrs. Ernest Freyberger, 5178 Longview Drive asked to address the Council regard- <br />ing some problems she and her husband were having with the police and the vehicles <br />parked at their home. She explained that a neighbor was continuously calling the <br />police and complaining about the number of vehicles parked in their yard and was <br />claiming that they were operating a garage. She also explained that there is a law- <br />suit pending now but that she would like the police harassment to stop. <br />Mrs. Freyberger stated that they have several children in their family which accounts <br />for a good deal of the cars parked at the home. She also stated that the neighbor <br />had taken license numbers and pictures of the cars and that she did not like that type <br />of harassment. Also, Steve Rose had recently stopped out to see her and inquired <br />about the ownership of a van parked in her garage. Mrs. Freyberger stated that she <br />did not feel it was the City's business whose vehicles were parked in her yard or <br />garage, as long as they were not violating the law. <br />Mayor Pickar explained that in order for the law to be violated as far as running a <br />business out of their home, an exchange of money had to take place. He also stated <br />that he had not received any police reports of the situation and was not aware that <br />Mr. Rose had stopped out to see the Freybergers but that he would check into the <br />situation and take the matter under advisement. <br />Pauline Stauner, 2454 County Road H2 stated that she was present at the July 20 <br />Planning Commission meeting and wanted to know why Commission Member Allen Zepper <br />had not participated in the discussion of the O'Neal development request, being that <br />Mr. Zepper was a resident of the area involved. <br />