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Regular Meeting <br />March 24, 1980 Page 7 <br />MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL <br />Nelson indicated to the City Council 16. INSURANCE SOLICITATION <br />that an insurance group had requested <br />solicitation of private insurance for <br />the employees during the day in City <br />Hall. He requested from the City <br />Council their policy position. The Staff <br />had felt that although the City couldn't <br />control the individuals on the employees <br />own time that it could control access to <br />them during the day. City Council agreed <br />that it would be inappropriate for that <br />type of solicitation to occur during the <br />business day. <br />Nelson indicated that this was a <br />subject that the Finance Director <br />would handle. Brager noted to the <br />City Council that he had prepared a <br />memo that contained the letter of <br />complaint, as well as the procedures <br />that were followed to investigate tvis <br />particular matter. <br />Brager noted that the Senior <br />Accounting Clerk had submitted her <br />resignation, effective the 28th day of <br />March. Rowley moved to accept the <br />resignation of Marie Pment effective <br />the 28th of March, 1980. It was <br />seconded by Hodges. <br />4 ayes <br />The motion carried. 0 nays <br />Brager entered into a discussion with <br />7 th information he <br />the City Council the <br />had learned concerning the placement <br />procedure. He felt that there would <br />be a need to hire a temporary employee <br />while the soliciting of new applicants <br />occurred. He also discussed with the <br />City Council the upgrading of the <br />position. With respect to the temporary <br />help, Brager indicated that the cost per <br />hour would be between $7.50 $8.00 /hr. <br />17. UTILITY BILLING COMPLAINT <br />18. RESIGNATION <br />SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK <br />