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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting <br />April 21, 1980 Page 2 <br />Rose stated that this resolution 5. RESOLUTION 1102 <br />was for reapportionment of taxes <br />at the end of Mustang Lane. The <br />taxes had been divided to ensure <br />a fair division of the assessments. <br />Ziebarth moved the adoption of <br />Resolution 1102 on reapportionment <br />of taxes. Rowley seconded the motion. <br />5 ayes <br />The motion carried. 0 nays <br />The City Council took up the issue 6. COMPENSATION STUDY <br />of whether or not to commission a <br />Compensation Study for the non -union <br />members of the municipal employees. <br />After a brief diEcussion on this <br />matter, the Mayor asked for a motion. <br />Ziebarth moved to commission a <br />Compensation Study for the non -union <br />members of the City employees to be <br />conducted by Stanton and Associates, <br />Inc. for the quoted price of between <br />$5900 $6900. Rowley seconded the <br />motion. <br />The motion carried. <br />The motion carried. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />The Chief of Police had requested 7. POLICE RADIO <br />through the Administrator to change MAINTENANCE CONTRACT <br />the Police Radio Maintenance Contract <br />from Motorola, Inc. to CapLial Elec- <br />tronics. <br />He had investigated what the <br />surrounding cities are doing on this <br />same matter and found that they <br />also were requesting similar <br />changes. There would also be a <br />$30 /month savings by having <br />Capital Electronics do the work. <br />Rowley moved to authorize Chief of <br />Police to enter into an agreement <br />for radio maintenance with Capital <br />Electronics and to cancel the <br />contract with Motorola, Inc. Forslund <br />seconded the motion. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />