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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page 6 June 9,1980 <br />Also, I think that when a developer receives the <br />tax and interest rate advantages of the City's tax <br />exempt status, we should be compensated for the <br />City's efforts and involvement. This is presently <br />done, as noted, in the procedures used by West St. Paul. <br />I hope this clears up any misunderstanding of my <br />views in this matter. <br />Forslund made a motion that the Council, as a matter <br />of policy at this time, not hear or approve any future <br />Tax Exempt Mortgage or Industrial Revenue Bonding until <br />firm guidelines for such proposals are established for <br />the City and these guidelines should be available by <br />July 31, 1980. McCarty seconded the motion. <br />5 -ayes <br />0 -nays <br />The motion was carried. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />Hodges: No report <br />Ziebarth: <br />Ziebarth made a motion, seconded by Hodges, that <br />the Ardan Avenue ditch cleaning contract state that <br />"the contract will be concluded by December 31, 1980 <br />if the work is not completed by that time." <br />5 -ayes The motion was carried. <br />0 -nays <br />Ziebarth discussed the possibility of requiring <br />groups that utilize the parks and make a deposit to <br />the City for using that area be denied the return of <br />their money if they allow cars to be parked on the grass <br />Ziebarth questioned the enforcement of peddlers <br />selling their wares in the City Limit without permits. <br />How was this accomplished and how did the police officers <br />know who did not carry permits? Administrator Anderson <br />will look into the particular instance that Councilmember <br />Ziebarth referred to. <br />Ziebarth reminded Councilmernbers to keep July 20th <br />open for the Festival planned. <br />McCarty: <br />Informed Council of an obstruction in the sewer line at <br />Lakeside Park that needs to be taken care of. <br />-The brush /branches are still sitting at the Ardan Avenue <br />ditch. Administrator Anderson suggested having the CETA crew <br />pick this up and dispose of it next week. Council agreed. <br />(MOTION CARRIES) <br />