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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL <br />Regular Meeting <br />Page 7 August 11, 1980 <br />Acting Clerk- Administrator Anderson reported 16. REPORT OF ADMINI <br />that there will be a branch pickup. He is STRA`T'OR <br />recommending that a chipper be rented so the <br />chipping could take place as the pick up was <br />made. The CETA people would be doing the work <br />with a union person running the chipper. <br />MOTION: McCarty made a motion, seconded by <br />Hodges toauthorize staff to rent two chippers <br />for two weeks for a total cost not to exceed <br />$1800 to be paid from the contingency account. <br />Ayes -4 <br />Nays -0 <br />THE IMMOTION WAS CARRIED. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />Councilmember Forslund suggested the City <br />contact the insurance carrier forthe City to <br />make sure the operator of the chipper would be <br />covered. <br />4 way stop, County Road I and Silver Lake Road: <br />He will follow up onthis. <br />Minnesota Cable Communication Board: They are <br />continuing to meet. <br />-Met Council- 1980/81 Capital Improvement Program: <br />They are asking for Council input. <br />SEH letter of July 18, 1980 regarding the storm <br />drainage problem occurring near the corner of County <br />Road J and Knollwood Drive. They are suggesting <br />a study of the situation in accordance with Section I.B. <br />of the current Agreement for Engineering Services between <br />the City of Hounds View and SEH, Inc. Staff will have <br />this item on the next agenda sessionwith more information. <br />League of Minnesota Cities letter of August 4, 1980, <br />regarding the proposed building project for LiIC. They <br />are asking for contributions from member cities. After <br />discussion, the Council chose the lump sum cption of 57,000 <br />with a second option of the five year plan (totaling <br />$9,233.00). Staff will send a letter to Li4C with this <br />information. <br />Mayor McCarty noted that they are 13 election 17. REPORT OF <br />judges short for the upcoming elections. COUNCILEIZERS <br />Councilmember Forslund asked that copies of the final <br />approved minutes be distributed to the Council. <br />Hodges noted a noise organization meeting coming up <br />this week Thursday. <br />Ziebarth noted that he will be talking to the Police <br />Chief about the noise ordinance. <br />