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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page 2 August 25, 1980 <br />Ms. Kathy Olin, 8245 Spring Lake Road, informed 5. RESIDENT REQUESTS <br />the Council that she had been issued a $5.00 COMMENTS FROM THE <br />penalty charge which had been added to her water FLOOR <br />bill for the quarter ending March 31, 1980, <br />because the self -read meter card was not received <br />by the City offices on the due date. She stated <br />she felt she was not responsible because she had <br />mailed the card right after she received it. She <br />had called immediately to the City office at the <br />time, and had also written a letter to the Finance <br />director. However, the Council's position at that <br />time was that the penalty was a valid charge since <br />the City could not be responsible for any acts or <br />omissions by the post office or the customer. <br />Therefore, the City had informed her that she would <br />have to pay the penalty charge. Now her bill for <br />the second quarter of 1980 has an additional 500 <br />charge added to the original $5.00 penalty. <br />Ms. Olin went on to state that she didn't feel she <br />was being addressed as an individual in this matter. <br />She also felt the City had not responded to her with <br />efficiency and clarification. <br />Mayor McCarty responded to I4s. Olin by stating the <br />policy had been set to charge a $5.00 late fee to <br />water bills to encourage people to get their cards <br />back on time. He also stated the Council had extended <br />the due date for the water bills from 10 -30 days as <br />well as installing a night depository at City Hall. <br />He felt the Council had been diligent and understanding <br />in providing the most equitable system available. <br />(Attorney Meyers noted at this point that according to <br />the ordinance, the Council could not waive the late fee.) <br />MOTION: <br />McCarty made a motion, seconded by Ziebarth, to <br />adhere to past policy and deny Ms. Kathy Olin's <br />request (8245 Spring Lake Road) to remove the <br />$5.00 penalty charge for late payment of the water <br />bill. <br />Ayes-4 <br />Nays -0 LOTION CARRIES <br />Mrs. Duane Rickaby, 8343 Uroveland Road, informed Council <br />that she had requested to the City Building Official a <br />permit to build a cold frame on her home. This would be <br />a portable structure which would be in use from approximately <br />March 1st through June 1st. Official i:ose had informed her <br />