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CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />September 8, 1980 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />A G E N D A <br />1. Call to Order <br />2. Roll Call <br />3. Official Commendation to the Mounds View Festivities Commission <br />Shirley Munholand Chairperson <br />Barb McCluskey <br />Sandra Shackle <br />Karen Leverentz <br />Dorothy Willhaus <br />Mark Mack <br />Frank Holm <br />Lorna Holm <br />Gene Anderson <br />4. Residents requests and comments from the floor <br />CITIZENS: BEFORE SPEAKING, PLEASE GIVE YOUR <br />FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE MINUTES <br />5. Public Hearing 7:40 p.m. <br />Brooks Superette, Incorporated <br />Property involved: 2390 Highway 10 <br />Conditional Use Permit (gasoline sales) <br />Development Controls (convenience grocery store) <br />Highway Commercial Use Case 62 -80 <br />6. Approval of Minutes: August 25, 1980 (Regular Meeting) <br />7. Approval of Consent Agenda <br />Item A Authorize Mayor to sign Minnesota Housing Finance <br />Agency Year V contract for Services for the <br />Rehabilitation Grant Program <br />Item B Acknowledge receipt of the City's Annual 1981 <br />Budget on September 2, 1980 <br />Item C Approve Resolution No. 1156 authorizing Cash Escrow <br />Release of the Requirements of Development Agreement <br />80- 33 <br />Item D Approve Resolution No. 1155 commending Cecelia Quaife <br />as Minnesota State ..acher of the Year <br />