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Mayor McCarty called the Special Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER <br />to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Mounds View <br />City Hall Council Chambers. <br />Members Present Councilmembers Hodges, 2. ROLL CALL <br />Forslund, Doty, Blanchard and Mayor <br />McCarty <br />Staff Present Clerk Administrator Pauley <br />Clerk Administrator Pauley issued the <br />oath of office to Mayor Duane McCarty. <br />Clerk- Administrator Pauley issued the <br />oath of office to Councilmembers <br />Phyllis Blanchard and Willard Doty. <br />Councilmember Forslund made a motion, <br />seconded by Doty, to adopt Resolution <br />No. 1222 Resolution Appointing Official <br />Newspaper, Official Depository, and Acting <br />Mayor for 1981, and waive reading of the <br />resolution. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nay_ 0 <br />s� <br />Mayor McCarty delivered the annual Mayor's 5. MAYOR'S MESSAGE <br />Message citing three major issues to be <br />faced by the City of Mounds View during <br />1981, those being: <br />developer's demands on services <br />wetlands preservation <br />traffic <br />(Copy of Mayor's Message attached) <br />Councilmember Doty made a motion, <br />seconded by Hodges, to adjourn the <br />meeting at 7:09 p.m. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />City of Mounds View <br />January 5, 1981 <br />MOTION CARRIES <br />MOTION CARRIES <br />Respectfully sibmitted, <br />7 <br />l/ <br />Donald F. Pauley <br />Clerk- Administ'Xator <br />DATE APPROVED: 01 -26 -81 <br />3. MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS <br />SWORN IN <br />4. RESOLTUION NO. 1222 <br />RESOLUTION APPOINTING <br />OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER, <br />OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY, <br />AND ACTING MAYOR FOR <br />1981 <br />6. ADJOURNMENT <br />