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CONSENT AGENDA <br />April 13, 1981 <br />The consent agenda is a technique designed to expedite handling of <br />routine and miscellaneous official business of the City Council. <br />The entire agenda may be adopted by the Council in one motion. The <br />motion for adoption is non debatable and must receive unanimous <br />approval. By request of any individual Councilmember, any item can <br />be removed from the consent agenda and placed upon the regular agenda <br />for debate. <br />ITEM A. Adopt Resolution No. 1256 Resolution Proclaiming Volunteer <br />Recognition Week <br />ITEM B. Approve Request of Cross of Glory Luther League to Hold <br />Car Wash in City Hall Parking Lot <br />ITEM C. Approve Forwarding of No Comment to the Metropolitan Council <br />on Amended Cable Service Territory Petition <br />ITEM D. Accept Comprehensive Plan Update from the Planning Commission <br />and Authorize Forwarding of it to the Metropolitan Council <br />for Review <br />ITEM E. Adopt Resolution No. 1259 Resolution Approving the 1981 <br />Labor Agreement Between the Metropolitan Management <br />Association and Teamsters Local 320 <br />ITEM F. Approve Modified Development Agreement Form Dated April 13, 1981 <br />ITEM G. Accept Resignation of Administrative Secretary, Authorize <br />Clerk Administrator to Advertise for Position and Recommend <br />Replacement to the City Council, Authorize Jan Wiehle or a <br />Temporary to Work 3 Days per Week Until a Replacement is <br />Hired, and Authorize Jan Wiehle to Work a Total of 24 Hours <br />in Training the Replacement <br />ITEM H. Authorize Clerk- Administrator to Hire an Office Education <br />Association Student as Receptionist for $3.50 /Hour Part -Time <br />During School Year and Full -Time During the Summer and <br />Holiday Periods <br />ITEM I. Reject Bids for 1981 Tree Contract and Authorize Staff to <br />Obtain Informal Quotes for Tree Removal Service <br />ITEM J. Adopt Resolution No. 1258 Amending Resolution No. 777 <br />Establishing Development Escrow Fund <br />ITEM K. Adopt Resolution No. 1260 <br />Fencing Along North Side of <br />ITEM L. Approve Submission of Claim <br />Drive, to Insurance Company <br />continued- <br />Resolution <br />Lots 1 and <br />from Gary A <br />Denying Request for <br />16, Berwyn Addition <br />Pearson, 5725 Cornell <br />ITEM M. Adopt Resolution No. 1263 Resolution Establishing Salaries <br />for Juvenile Officer /Investigator and Police Sergeant <br />