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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL April 27, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting. Page Five. <br />Phil Koski, 7588 Groveland Road, is against the <br />parking of trucks in residential areas. <br />Arnold Marquette, 7584 Groveland Road, is against <br />parking trucks on residential streets. <br />Judy Rowley, 2562 Ridge Lane, is in favor of the <br />Ordinance as it is now written. Discussed noise <br />factors briefly. Further, that she has the same <br />concerns as she did when the Ordinance first went <br />into effect. <br />Kathleen Long, 2604 Ridge Lane, is against the <br />parking of semi's in driveways or streets. Also, <br />that the trucks made alot of noise. <br />Roger Baumgartner, 7585 Knollwood Drive, is in <br />favor of the Ordinance as it exists now. He talked <br />about a flat bed truck that had previously blocked <br />traffic lanes on Silver Lake Road. He asked what <br />heavy vehicles were going to do on the small interior <br />streets. Councilmember Doty talked about heavy <br />vehicles (i.e. buses, garbage trucks) that use the <br />streets. <br />John Winiecki, 7575 Groveland Road, with the road <br />restrictions he cannot get a load of black dirt <br />down the street. He opposes changing the Ordinance. <br />Homberto Martinez, 5144 Long Lake Road, opposes the <br />parking of trucks in residential areas. Talked about <br />the noise and hazards of parking trucks in residential <br />areas. <br />Jerry Linke, 2319 Knoll Drive, is against the parking <br />of semi's on residential streets or avenues. <br />Rod Halvorson, 2629 Ridge Lane, sympathizes with <br />the truck drivers regarding parking, but is opposed <br />to them parking on streets in residential areas. <br />Clare Geerts, 7600 Knollwood Drive, opposes any <br />changes to the Ordinance because of comments that <br />have already been made. <br />Mrs. Elizabeth (Betty) Shelquist, 8025 Fairchild, <br />stated that when they first moved into the village, <br />they came in and got a Zoning Ordinance. In 1963 <br />trucks were not allowed in residential areas. She <br />is opposed to changing the Ordinance because of <br />several reason, mainly because she feels that when <br />you invest in an R -1 District there are certain laws <br />protecting the homeowners. Her neighbor has a truck <br />and she feels that this devalues the homeowners <br />property and the neighborhood. She stated that they <br />have never been allowed to park before and why should <br />the Ordinance be changed now. <br />