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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL April 27, 1981 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eight. <br />Summary of Discussion: <br />Walkway entrance moved closer to Bronson. Walk- <br />way to go through residential area. <br />Northerly most lots exit onto Silver Lake Road. <br />The lots further south exit to the cul -de -sac. <br />Entrance to the cul -de -sac and the entrance to <br />Bronson were too close, therefore moved to create <br />larger distances between accesses. <br />The need to acquire another walkway easement. <br />Drainage and elevation of the development. <br />MOTION: Mayor McCarty made a motion, seconded <br />byncilmember Hodges to tentatively approve <br />the Silver View Park Master Plan and to direct <br />staff to draw up specifications for Phase I <br />of the development and before bids have been <br />let to obtain approval of the plan from the <br />Planning Commission. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 MOTION CARRIED. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Doty made a motion, seconded 12. Approval of Resolution <br />byncilmember Forslund to adopt Resolution 1274- No. 1274 Park Referendum <br />ParK Board referendum Task Force, and to waive the Tax Force. <br />reading of the resolution. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 MOTION CARRIED. <br />Discussion took place regarding error in payment to <br />Kraus Anderson for property that the City had pur- <br />chased and the action that the City had taken to <br />complete the transaction. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated that Parks 13. First Quarter 1981 Staff <br />and Recreation Director Anderson and Police Report <br />Chief Grabowski were unable to attend the meeting <br />this evening. <br />Public Works Superintendent Decheine stated that <br />Bill Hanson and Chris Weston had both passed their <br />Class D State of Minnesota Certification to operate <br />a water treatment plant. He discussed the flushing <br />of the lines. Further that Lift Station #5 is out <br />of service. He stated that they have budgeted for <br />part -time help, and that for the past 2 years they <br />have hired the same man and that they would like <br />to rehire him again this year. <br />Consensus of the City Council was that it would be <br />alright to rehire the same man. Council instructed <br />staff to draw up a Resolution for this for the next <br />agenda meeting. <br />