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PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />The Mounds View City Council was called to <br />order by Mayor McCarty at 7:30 PM, on June 22, <br />1981. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers Forslund, <br />Blanchard, Doty, Hodges and Mayor McCarty. <br />ALSO PRESENT: Clerk /Administrator Pauley, <br />City Attorney Meyers and Building and <br />Zoning Official Rose. <br />Motion /Second: Hodges /Forslund to approve the <br />minutes of the June 8, 1981 meeting as <br />corrected. <br />0 nays <br />Doug Dindoft, 2901 Oakwood Drive, read a pre- <br />pared statement, expressing his and his <br />neighbors concerns regarding a proposed condo- <br />minium development in their neighborhood. He <br />asked if the City could go ahead and rezone <br />the property in question to medium density, <br />from R -4, as called for in the Comprehensive <br />Plan. Attorney Meyers replied that Cities <br />must be very cautious about rezoning pro- <br />perty without the owner's request, as they <br />could be found liable for damages. Mayor <br />McCarty added that the City has taken the <br />position to work with each developer as they <br />come before the City. He added that he could <br />understand Mr. Dindorf's concern and recommended <br />that he attend the City meetings where the <br />development is to be discussed, to express his <br />opinion. <br />Mayor McCarty purchased five buttons for the <br />Festival in the Park from Frank Holm, of the <br />Festivities Commission. Shirley Munholand, also <br />the Festivities Commission, gave a rundown <br />the planned activities. <br />DATE APPROVED: 7/13/81 <br />Regular Meeting <br />June 22, 1981 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />2401 Hwy. 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br />1. Call to Order <br />2. Roll Call <br />3. Approval of the <br />June 8, 1981 Regular <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Motion Carried <br />4. Citizen Requests and <br />Comments from the <br />Floor <br />