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CONSENT AGENDA <br />April 26, 1982 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite handling <br />of routine and miscellaneous official business of the City Council. <br />The entire Agenda may be adopted by the Council in one motion. The <br />motion for adoption is non debatable and must receive unanimous <br />approval. By request of any individual Councilmember, any item can <br />be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda <br />for debate. <br />ITEM A. Adopt Resolution Nn. 1430 Opposing Acquisition and <br />Extension of New Brighton Trunk Sewer <br />ITEM B. Approve Award of City's General Insurance Coverage <br />to Home Insurance Company <br />ITEM C. Approve 90 Day Subdivision Filing Extension for <br />Marvin Eshelman, 7465 Spring Lake Road <br />ITEM D. Adopt Resolution No. 1432 Authorizing the Clerk Administrator <br />and Mayor to Execute Development Agreement No. 81 -51 with <br />Standard Oil Division /Amoco Oil Company <br />ITEM E. Licenses for Approval <br />General Expires 6/30/82 <br />J. E. Duoos Construction, Inc. New <br />Sewer Water Expires 6/30/82 <br />D. C. General Builders New <br />ITEM F. Adopt Resolution No. 1431 Approving Just and Correct <br />Claim: Against City Funds <br />