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CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />JUNE 28, 1982 <br />7 :30 p.m. <br />A G E N D A <br />1. Call to Order <br />2. Roll Call Hodges, Forslund, Blanchard, Doty, McCarty <br />3. Approval of Minutes: June 14, 1982 (Regular Meeting) <br />(Received above minutes in 6/21/82 packet.) <br />4. Public Hearings 7 :40 p.m. Fairchild Avenue Right -of -Way <br />Vacation <br />7 :50 p.m. 1983 Federal Revenue Sharing <br />Proposed Use Hearing <br />8 :00 p.m. Subdivision and Rezoning of Dailey <br />Knolls, 7560 Silver Lake Road <br />5. Residents Pequests and Comments from the Floor: <br />CITIZENS: BEFORE SPEAKING PLEASE GIVE YOU FULL <br />NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE MINUTES <br />6 Approval of Consent Agenda <br />ITEM A. Approve Resolution No 1459 Opposing the Identification <br />of a Hazardous Waste Site in Blaine <br />ITEM B. Approve Resolution No. 1460 Ordering the Placement of a <br />Street Light at 8384 Fairchild Avenue N.E. <br />ITEM C. Reschedule July 5, 1982 Agenda Session to July 6, 1982 <br />ITEM D. Set Wetland Committee Meeting to 7 :00 p.m., July 1, 1982 <br />ITEM E. Approve payment to Perkins Landscape Contractors in the <br />amount of $16,530.00 as per the attached certificate for <br />payment <br />ITEM F. Licenses for Approval <br />ITEM G. Approve Resolution No. 1461 Approving Just and Correct <br />Claims Against City Funds <br />continued- <br />