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Mounds View City Council October 25, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Forslund to approve the <br />first reading of Ordinance No. 319, an ordinance, <br />including addendum with exhibits, granting a <br />franchise to Group W Cable of the North Suburbs, <br />Inc., a Minnesota corporation, to operate and <br />maintain a cable communication system in the <br />City, setting forth conditions accompanying the <br />grant of franchsie, providing for regulation and <br />use of the system, and prescribing penalties for <br />the violation of its provisions, and waive the <br />entire reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers advised that page 20, section 7 <br />should be revised to add the Mounds View City <br />Hall and raintenance Building. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to amend the <br />franchise ordinance on page 20 to add the <br />Maintenance Building. <br />5 ye: 0 nays <br />Clerk /Adm Pauley explained this ordi- <br />nance will ise Chapter 107 to include gambling <br />devices, r,_ '_es and bingo. <br />Motion Second: Hodges /Forslund to approve the <br />TIT-:±7 reading of Ordinance No. 326 and waive <br />the reading. <br />4 ayes 1 nay <br />Councilmember Doty stated he had voted against the <br />motion because, while State law allows gambling <br />by non profit organization, he personally does not <br />feel it is benefiā€¢ .ia1. <br />Dave Brick presented the Council with t_._ monthly <br />report for September. He reported the Department <br />has applied to send officers to the breathalizer <br />school in January. He also reported that evalua- <br />tions had just been completed and they hope to <br />continue doing them on a six month basis. <br />Officer Brick reported they are in the process of <br />setting up a CPR course for the department, and <br />some maintenance employees have expressed an <br />interest in participating. <br />Officer Brick explained that emphasis has been <br />put on going back to the residential streets <br />rather than traffic enforcement. He reported <br />burglaries are down, 5C while DWI's are up over <br />7. First Reading <br />of Ordinance No. <br />319 <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />8. First Reading of <br />Ordinance No. 326, <br />Amending the Muni <br />cipal Code of <br />Mounds View by <br />Amending Chapter <br />107, Entitled <br />"Bingo" <br />Motion Carried <br />9. Third Quarter <br />Department Head <br />Reports Police <br />Department <br />