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Mounds View City Council November 8, 1982 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />Director Johnson reported a water break had occurred <br />over the weekend on the northwest corner of Red Oak <br />Drive and Woodcrest, and that while the repairs had <br />been completed, they had experienced quite a bit of <br />trouble with the equipment breaking down. <br />Director Johnson reported the situation has not <br />changed with the contractor cleaning the ditch, and <br />recommended sending copies of all correspondence to <br />the bonding company. <br />Attorney Meyers reported Mark Carney would be attend- 11. Report of <br />ing the November 22 meeting in his place. Attorney <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported she had received <br />the Ramsey County League of Local Governments <br />would be meeting at the Venetian Inn on November <br />17, at 7:30 PM, to discuss Ramsey County legisla- <br />tive programs, and urged people to attend. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley pointed out that it <br />would be a good time to bring up to the officials <br />when they will be taking the municipal courts out <br />of the Cities. <br />Councilmember Doty reported there was a possible <br />violation of the wetlands ordinance due to filling <br />at County Road H2 and Silver Lake Road, on the north <br />side, and suggested it be investigated. <br />Acting Mayor Hodges reported he had received a com- <br />plaint from a home owner regarding a water meter <br />deposit and asked Clerk /Administrator Pauley to <br />contact the individual and clarify it for him. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported he had received 13. Report of <br />a letter from Robert Dunn, of the Minnesota State Administrator <br />Waste Management Board, regarding the letter of <br />complaint the City had sent him, and that Mounds <br />View is now on their mailing list. He added there <br />will be a public information meeting at Blaine Sr. <br />High School on November 17, at 7 PM. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to adjourn the 14. Adjournment' <br />meeting at 9:15 PM. <br />3 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Reslpeatfully submi -ted, <br />L) <br />/Don la Pau <br />Clerk dminist <br />atov, <br />12. Reports of <br />Councilmembers <br />