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CONSENT AGENDA <br />December 13, 1982 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite handling of <br />routine and miscellaneous official business of the City Council. Th <br />The entire Agenda may be adopted by the Council in one motion. The <br />motion for adoption is non debatable and must receive unanimous <br />approval. By request of any individual Councilmember, any item can <br />be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda <br />for debate. <br />ITEM A. Approve the Awarding of the 1983 City Newsletter Contract <br />to Bolger Printing for the Low Bid Price of $7,410.00 <br />ITEM B. Set Special Council Meeting for 7:00 p.m., January 3, 1983 <br />ITEM C. Approve Termination of the Community Service Officer Position <br />for the Remainder of FY 1982 Commencing on December 15, 1982 <br />ITEM D. Approve Proposed Contract for Professional Services with <br />John Johnson during 1983 and Authorize Mayor to Enter into <br />Agreement <br />ITEM E. Approve Refund of Planning Application Fees to Dalberg and Hanson <br />ITEM F. Approve the Purchase of a Single Fuel Pump from Tessman Oil <br />at a Cost of $300.00 <br />ITEM G. Reject Bids for One Ton Dump Truck and Table Purchase Indefinitely <br />ITEM H. Approve Referral of Claim from Simon's Liquor to the City <br />Insurance Carrier <br />ITEM I. Adopt Resolution No. 1518 Approving the Designation of <br />and ..�c 1 Ther <br />Non-Conservation Land a�.d <br />ITEM J. Adopt Resolution No. 1521 Approving Securities Furnished <br />by the First State Bank of New Brighton <br />ITEM K. Authorize Staff to Submit the Franchise Form to the State of <br />Minnesota for the Mounds View Golden Gloves Boxing Program to <br />Allow Sparring Matches to be Conducted in Mounds View <br />ITEM L. Licenses for Approval (See sheet marked ITEM L) <br />ITEM M. Adopt Resolution No. 1522 Approving Just and Correct Claims <br />Against City Funds <br />