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CONSENT AGENDA <br />February 28, 1983 <br />The Consent Agenda i a technique designed to expedite handling of <br />routine and miscellaneous official business of the City Council. <br />The entire Agenda may be adopted by the Council in one motion. The <br />motion for adoption is non debatable and must receive unanimous <br />approval. By request of any individual Councilmember, any item can <br />be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda <br />for debate. <br />ITEM A. Adopt Resolution No. 1572 Authorizing the Reclassification <br />of the Proceeds of the $1,275,000 General Obligation <br />Improvement Bond Issue of 1981 <br />ITEM B. Approve Final Payment of $14,938.71 to Dawson Construction <br />for Improvement Project 1981 -3, Silver Lake Woods <br />ITEM C. Approve February 1983 Salary Structures for Office and <br />Supervisory Administrative Management Positions <br />ITEM D. Adopt Resolution No. 1570 Establishing a Fee for Sign Permits <br />ITEM E. Licenses for Approval None <br />ITEM F. Adopt Resolution No. 1573 Approving Just and Correct <br />Claims Against City Funds <br />