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Mounds View City Council May 23, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Bruce Markwardt, 7635 Edgewood Drive, stated he <br />agreed with Ms. Olson, and that he :tad lived there <br />41 years and wanted to see the area remain residential. <br />Dave Bjur, 7639 Edgewood Drive, stated he was not <br />concerned about the additional children because he <br />is anti children but right now the neighborhood has <br />15 children in 11 homes and he felt the proposed <br />development could add approximately 50 more children. <br />Dave Olson, 7641 Edgewood Drive, stated he was concerned <br />about the traffic problem, as one child had already <br />been run over by a car, as well as there is a problem <br />with the cars traveling too fast. <br />Mike Anderson, 7628 Greenfield Avenue, stated he lives <br />next to the lot for the proposed development and he <br />would like to see a single family home built there. <br />Robert Winne, 7656 Greenfield Avenue, stated he is <br />against the proposal because of the traffic and <br />parking problems already experienced. <br />Wes Johnson, 7630 Greenfield Avenue, presented the <br />Council with pictures of the parking on the street <br />in the neighborhood and explained some of the problems <br />they have been having. He stated he is concerned <br />with more apartment buildings going in, as they will <br />be creating an island for the 11 residential homes, <br />and they will be cut off from the rest of the resi- <br />dential area in the City. <br />Cheryl Johnson, 7630 Greenfield Avenue, stated there <br />is a serious traffic problem during the winter already, <br />with so much parking on the street that the plows have <br />trouble getting through. She added that there is a <br />problem also with children from the existing rental <br />property comJng into all their yards to play. <br />Helen Gould, 7643 Edgewood, stated she had reviewed <br />a copy of minutes from 1976, when a public hearing was <br />held on the rezoning of the property, and that since <br />then, four single family homes have been built and <br />have all sold. She stated she would like to see the <br />area remain residential. <br />Bob O'Neil, 7644 Greenfield, stated he agreed with <br />comments made already and that he wished to see it <br />remain single family. <br />Dave Williams, 7625 Edgewood, stated he agreed with the <br />comments made so far, and asked the Council to consider, <br />if they decide to pass the proposal, to come out and <br />appraise the homes in the area, as a single family area. <br />and then come again and appraise them with the apartments. <br />and see if the developer is willing to pay the difference <br />to the property owners. <br />