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applied for two grants, and has just been informed <br />that she needs an official government sponsor. She <br />explained the purpose of the two grants and stated <br />that she does have a letter of endorsement from the <br />Youth Service Bureau, which she knows the City works <br />with. Ms. Seidenkranz emphasized that she does not <br />need any money from the City, just their sponsorship. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley advised that the school <br />district will take care of all the details, financial <br />records, and so forth, and the City's only obligation <br />would be to be the official sponsor. Ms. Seidenkranz <br />added that the City's responsibility would be to give <br />it's endorsement, and then, if the grants were forth- <br />coming, the City would receive the checks and turn <br />them over to the school district. She provided the <br />Council with copies of the grant applications, for <br />their review. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that she has worked with <br />Ms. Seidenkranz, and feels she does an excellent job. <br />She stated that she would have no problem in sponsoring <br />the grant application. <br />Mayor Me.arty expressed concern with not knowing if any <br />funding would be available after the year was up, to <br />continue any programs that were started, and to continue <br />the salary of the two assistants who are to be hired. <br />Councilmember Hankner replied that that is always the <br />case with federal grants, that there is no guarantee <br />they will be continued. <br />Ms. Seidenkranz explained that none of the proposed <br />programs are new, and the assistants would help her <br />carry out existing programs. <br />Mayor McCarty questioned if the Youth Service Bureau <br />would step in at the end of the year, if further <br />funding was not available. Ms. Seidenkranz replied <br />that her job is short term, in that she provides <br />crisis intervention counseling, and refers anyone <br />on to the Youth Service Bureau who needs further <br />help. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Hankner to approve the City <br />of Mounds View as the sponsoring government unit for <br />the grant applications from the State of Minnesota, <br />for $1,000 and $33,000, naming Carol Seidenkranz as <br />the contact person at the Edgewood Community <br />Center. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Mounds View City Council July 11, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting <br />Page Two <br />Motion Carried <br />Mayor McCarty closed the regular meeting and opened 5. Public Hearing <br />the public hearing at 7:57 PM. Ord. No. 344 <br />