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Mounds View City Co, 2i1 September 12, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />sent letters to the City concerning the buffer issues, <br />but he has not had any response yet. He added that <br />the July 1 letter also brought up the restoration of <br />Oakwood Drive, as it was torn up in mid May, and <br />replaced on August 12 -15, but was not restored as <br />it was before. He also pointed out that when the <br />project was approved, it was to have limited or <br />restricted access off Oakwood Drive, but they have <br />had extremely heavy traffic, even though the barricade <br />at the other end was recently removed. He also asked <br />that if the street is not fixed up right away, it <br />should be swept, as it is full of gravel. <br />Director Johnson replied that the developer had said <br />the access road would be paved by September 1, but <br />it had not been. <br />Mr. Dindorf stated the sod is torn up still in the <br />front on sides of houses, and they would like some <br />action taken on the part of the developer, and <br />asked what needs to be done to get the work completed. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley replied that Staff has <br />attempted on several occasions to get together with <br />the contractor to discuss the problems, but they <br />have not found any one individual who is in charge <br />of everything. He pointed out the developer has <br />had labor problems. He also stated that they have <br />requested an occupancy permit, and that Staff is <br />recommending it not be given until the developer <br />comes in and works out a satisfactory calendar <br />to get all the problems cleaned up, which are <br />more than what Mr. Dindorf had brought up. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated that Staff would <br />recommend the Council not take action on the request <br />for an occupancy permit, and that Staff should notify <br />the developer that there will be no release of the <br />bond, no approvals, or no permits, until he tomes <br />in and meets with Staff. <br />Mayor McCarty questioned if the City could legally <br />deny the occupany permit because of the buffer <br />issue, and asked how they could take advantage of <br />the request to get the developer to come in. <br />Attorney Meyers questioned if there had been any part <br />of the development agreement that had not been com- <br />plied with. Director Johnson replied there is no <br />time limit in the development agreement for these <br />things to be taken care of, and they are tying in <br />the restoration work and buffering with the <br />public improvements approval. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that the City could legally <br />hold the occupany permit until the sewer issue is <br />