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Mounds View City Council October 24, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Councilmember Hankner explained her reasons for the <br />motion, both the errors and the change in conditions, <br />and at the time the ordinance was adopted, it was <br />understood that the inventory that was adopted of <br />the wetland map covered a certain amount of the area, <br />and because the City has done some ran -site data <br />collection, they have discovered it is not what it <br />was thought to be. <br />Mayor McCarty stated there must be an understanding <br />that the Phase II proposal, goes further into <br />the wetlands still than what the ordinance contemplates. <br />and they must not maximize exploitation of the property. <br />Mr. Malkerson pointed out the Miller's have spent a <br />great deal of time and money for engineers and draftsmen <br />to prepare all the plans that have been requested to <br />date, and they need a more definite direction from <br />the Council, and they need the issue voted on, so they <br />can proceed to come up with a redefinition so they can <br />take the next step. <br />Mayor McCarty asked if the Miller's would be willing <br />to withdraw their request for a subdivision for Phase I <br />and Phase II, until clarifications of the delineations <br />of the wetland. <br />John Miller stated they are not requesting Phase II. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to amend the main motion, <br />that the redelineation of the wetland not be construed <br />as approval of the proposal for Phase I or Phase II <br />for the subdivisions. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Acting Police Chief Smith reported 512 citations had <br />been issued in the third quarter for traffic offenses, <br />with 81 adults arrested for crimes other than traffic <br />violations. He reported everything is going very well <br />with the outdoor volleyball at the Loose Ends nightclub, <br />and that everything went well with the Mermaid grand <br />re- opening. <br />Acting Chief Smith reported they had had their annual <br />qualification for firearms, and one officer has <br />completed the course on firearms instruction. <br />T_.ere were no residents requests or comments from <br />the floor. <br />Motion Carried <br />5. 3rd Quarter 1983 <br />Department Head <br />Report Acting <br />Police Chief <br />Smith <br />6. Residents Re- <br />quests and <br />Comments from <br />the Floor <br />