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Mounds View City Council November 14, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />or lack thereof, and have expressed a desire to <br />pursue legal action, and that she feels that in <br />the future the process used should be more open <br />and fully analyzed. She added that although she <br />has reservations in voting in favor of a candi- <br />date, she will support the newly appointed chief. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Hankner to amend the previous <br />motion and set guidelines for the appointment of <br />the Police Chief and have a probationary term of <br />12 months, with reviews given at the beginning of <br />the fourth, seventh, and twelth months, based on a <br />list of goals and policies set forth by the Council, <br />to be determined at the next agenda session, on <br />November 21, 1983. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Councilmember Linke suggested four policies that be <br />included, and stated he feels there should be some <br />type of criteria for the Police Chief, to base his <br />accomplishments on. <br />Mayor McCarty reviewed Chapter 419.05, which concerns <br />the duties of the Civil Service Commission. <br />Attorney Meyers stated that the rules of the Civil <br />Service Commission provide for a probationary period, <br />and read applicable sections of the code. He added <br />that the Council may, with the approval of the Civil <br />Service Commission, reject an appointee. He added <br />the Council should be making evaluations during the <br />probationary period, and if a candidate is not <br />meeting with approval, they can certify it to the <br />Civil Service Commission. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he agreed to a point with <br />Councilmember Linke's concept of the previous motion, <br />that goals and policies should be set, in cooperation <br />with the Civil Service Commission, but he could not <br />vote for a list of goals and policies that the Council <br />had not seen. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she agreed, to a point, <br />with Councilmember Linke's motion, but that specific <br />guidelines should not be set out in a motion at this <br />time, as the Council needs time to review them. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she was in favor of <br />having goals and policies included, as they need to <br />set forth what the Council expects of the new Police <br />Chief, and it would be appropriate at this time, prior <br />to taking the position, so the new Chief would know <br />what is expected of him. <br />Motion Carried <br />