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Mounds View City Council December 27, 1983 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />cash, for $1,000 more than the dealer was allowing <br />on a trade-in. He added that the dealer has indi- <br />cated he will withdraw his low bid if he does not <br />get the tractor as a trade -in. He also explained <br />that Attorney Meyers has advised the City is not <br />tied to making the trade -in. <br />Park Director Anderson advised the Council that <br />the tractor is 20 years old and is in very poor <br />condition, and they could possibly run into problems <br />by selling it to an individual, if he should come <br />back to them later with complaints. <br />There was considerable discussion regarding the merits <br />of selling to an individual, and realizing a $1,000 <br />additional payment for the used tractor. <br />Attorney Meyers recommended asking Kortuem's if they <br />are willing to up their trade -in offer to $3,500. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to authorize the <br />purchase of the 4 -wheel drive tractor from Kortuem's <br />for $19,428.52, and authorize Park Director Anderson <br />to negotiate the best price for the trade -in or sale of <br />the International Tractor. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Park Director Anderson reviewed his memo of <br />December 22 regarding the MEED Grant. He explained <br />that the person hired will actually be an employee <br />of Ramsey County. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Linke to authorize Staff to <br />retain Ms. LeAnn Linder as a healthy lifestyle/ <br />wellness coordinator to be paid for out of the <br />MEED Grant application. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to remove Ordinance <br />No. 352 from the table. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Hankner to approve the <br />second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 352, <br />and waive the reading, adding the amendments <br />embodied in Staff's memo dated December 22, 1983. <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Mayor McCarty <br />Doty aye <br />Linke aye <br />Hankner aye <br />Blanchard aye <br />aye <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Consideration <br />of Staff Memo <br />Regarding the <br />Submission of a <br />MEED Grant Appli- <br />cation for a <br />Wellness Coord. <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />11. 2nd Reading and <br />Adoption of <br />Ordinance No. 352 <br />