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CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />January 23, 1984 <br />WORK SESSION <br />7:00 p.m. <br />A. Interview of Police Civil Service Commission Applicants <br />7:00 p.m. Jacqulyn Saunders (Ms. Saunders will not be at <br />the meeting. She has a prior commitment on Monday <br />evenings.) <br />7:15 p.m. Dick Paradise (We have been unable to reach <br />Mr. Paradise. As soon as we reach him we will let you know <br />if he will be present Monday evening.) <br />1. Call to Order <br />A G E N D A <br />7:30 p.m. <br />2. Roll Call Linke, Hankner, Blanchard, Doty, McCarty <br />3. Approval of Minutes: January 9, 1984 (Regular Meeting) <br />(Received copy in 1/16/84 packet.) <br />4. Public Hearing 7:40 p.m. Rezone 2651 County Road I from <br />I -1, Light Industrial District, <br />to B -3, Highway Business <br />District <br />5. Residents Requests and Comments from the Floor <br />CITIZENS: BEFORE SPEAKING PLEASE GIVE YOUR <br />FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE MINUTES <br />6. Approval of Consent Agenda <br />ITEM A. Reschedule February 20, 1984 Agenda Session for 7:00 <br />p.m., February 21, 1984 Due to Holiday <br />ITEM B. Licenses for Approval <br />ITEM C. Approve Resolution No. 1708 Approving Just and <br />Correct Claims Against City Funds <br />7 Consideration of Staff Report Regarding Request for Refund on <br />Sewer Service Installation at 2581/83 County Road I (Material <br />to be handed out Monday.) <br />continued- <br />