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Mounds View City Council April 9, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />Mr. Michna stated he had called the Police once, but <br />emphasized his complaint was not with the establish- <br />ment but rather with someone who had been stuck in <br />the parking lot, then came over and urinated in his <br />yard. He reported the Police did a breath test of <br />the individual, but he passed. He added that the <br />incident was not connected with Mr. Povlitzki at all, <br />as the individual never went into his establishment. <br />He also stated it is his belief that the Police must <br />observe someone before they can take any action. Mr. <br />Michna stated also that there have been far fewer <br />problems with Mr. Povlitzki than were experienced with <br />the Anchor Inn. <br />Mr. Povlitzki pointed out the McGinn's property is on <br />the corner of County Road H2 and Edgewood, with H2 <br />being a feeder street for the Mermaid, Loose Ends and <br />Donatelle's, and he stated he firmly believes their <br />problem with beer bottles comes from people driving <br />by, as his patrons would not walk across the street <br />to their lawn to throw bottles, then walk back to the <br />parking lot to their cars. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 8:25 PM. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he agrees there is a very good <br />Police record for Povlitzki's, but added that not <br />all incidents are reported. He added the establish- <br />ment itself will determine how many complaints are <br />received. Mayor McCarty stated that noise seems to <br />be the biggest problem and suggested perhaps having <br />an attendent in the parking lot prior to closing, to <br />monitor the situation. <br />Police Chief Ramacher explained that in order for the <br />Police to approach someone, there must be probable <br />cause before any action is taken, and they must either <br />witness it themselves or have a citizens complaint, or <br />an accident must be involved. <br />Mayor McCarty advised Mr. Povlitzki the driveway closings <br />must be coordinated with the Fire Chief. Mr. Povlitzki <br />replied that he was under the impression they had been <br />approved already, as he was before the Planning Comm <br />ssion at their April 4 meeting, where they approved the <br />closing off of the Edgewood and Greenfield exits. <br />Director Thatiier advised that the Planning Commission <br />recommendation will be before the Council at their <br />next agenda session. <br />Mayor McCarty stated that in terms of the volume of <br />music, from personal experience he feels it could be <br />turned down somewhat. Mrs. Povlitzki replied that <br />they recently broke a contract with a band who <br />