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CONSENT AGENDA <br />April 9, 1984 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite handling of <br />routine and miscellaneous official business of the City Council. <br />The entire Agenda may be adopted by the Council in one motion. <br />The motion for adoption is non debatable and must receive unani- <br />mous approval. By request of any individual Councilmember, any <br />item can be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed upon the <br />Regular Agenda for debate. <br />ITEM A. Adopt Resolution No. 1727 Approving Policy Statement on <br />the Issue of Comparable Worth <br />ITEM B. Set Public Hearings for Comprehensive Rezonings per the <br />Following Schedule: <br />May 14, 1984 Church Triangle 7:45 pm <br />2740 Highway 10 8:00 pm <br />2 Lots North of 8:15 pm <br />7190 Silver Lake Road <br />South Corner of Old 8:30 pm <br />Highway 8 County Road H <br />May 28, 1984 Harstad Property, 7:45 pm <br />Silver Lake Road <br />Mid American Auto 8:00 pm <br />K Gas Station 8:15 pm <br />Steve's Appliances 8:30 pm <br />June 11, 1984 Import Auto 7:45 pm <br />7860 Groveland Road 8 :00 pm <br />Simon's Liquor 8.:15 pm <br />PAC Company 8:30 pm <br />2806/08 Highway 10 8:45 pm <br />June 25, 1984 7801 Silver Lake Road 7 :45 pm <br />7373 Knollwood Drive 8:00 pm <br />2752 County Road H -2 8 :15 pm <br />ITEM C. Authorize TKDA to Prepare Plans and Specifications for <br />Well No. 1 Control Center and Pump Starter Replacement <br />and Water System Control Supervisory and Control Panel <br />Modifications and Administer Contracts at a Cost Not to <br />Exceed 510,000 <br />ITEM D. Set Special Council Meeting for 6:00 pm on Wednesday, <br />April 11, 1984, to Discuss Findings on Anoka County <br />Blaine Airport with Representatives of Coffman <br />Associates <br />