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Mounds View City Council April 23, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Mayor McCarty explained there are several ordinances <br />n effect regarding surface water control, and the <br />actual rezoning would not change the run -off, only <br />development would, and proper controls would be taken <br />to assure there was not a problem. <br />Mr. Sprunck stated he was concerned that the controls <br />would not be sufficient. Mayor McCarty replied that <br />it is a matter of record the success the City has had <br />in controlling this. <br />Greg Klugberg, 2614 Louisa Avenue, stated the property <br />as it is presently zoned is not inconsistent with the <br />Comp Plan, but rather the 6 unit building in the area <br />is inconsistent, and to rezone the land would just <br />further the inconsistency. He stated he was opposed <br />to the rezoning, and feels the best use of the land <br />would be to have single family homes. He added that <br />since there is no specific request to develop the <br />property, it should not be rezoned. He also stated <br />that he had been told the notice published was <br />defective, and this property would not be discussed <br />tonight, so many of his neighbors who were against <br />it had not come to the hearing. He added he feels <br />the area should be by metes and bounds. He also <br />noted the existing draina6e is excessive already, <br />nd any R -3 development would make a bad situation <br />worse, and he can see no benefit to anyone in the <br />immediate neighborhood. <br />Dave Pitzel, 2617 Louisa Avenue, stated he was opposed <br />to the rezoning, with his concerns being the same as <br />Mr. Sprunck's. He added his back yard always has <br />water in it, with his water table being 6' to 2'. <br />Bob Beutell questioned the maximum density that would <br />be allowed for R -3 versus R -1. <br />Mayor McCarty replied 3 -6 units would be allowed per <br />lot. <br />Linda Jessen, 5278 Sunnyside Road, stated she directly <br />abutts the proposed rezoning and is opposed to it. She <br />added it is a primarily residential neighborhood, and <br />they have enough multiple dwellings already. She added <br />she had checked the zoning of the vacant property before <br />purchasing her home, and was told it was R -1. <br />Suzanne Snoke, 5272 Sunnyside Road, stated she was opposed <br />to the rezoning as it would change the neighborhood and <br />increase traffic. <br />aan Andres, 2736 Louisa Avenue, stated she was opposed to <br />the rezoning, and she also was told the parcel was not be <br />be discussed or changed to R -3, so many of her neighbors <br />did not come. She added she did not feel the controls would <br />