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Mounds View City Council April 23, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />green, there should be a lower density across the street, <br />o buffer it from the single family homes. She added <br />that the townhouse development went to court nine years <br />ago, to get approval. She also noted the Comp Plan <br />refers to preserving the wetlands, and the Planning <br />Commission's intention was to set the wetland aside <br />and discuss requests by metes and bounds. She stated <br />the Planning Commission is not recommending a wetland <br />be developed, and they do not want to compound the water <br />problem that is experienced throughout the City. <br />Chairman Mountin recommended this particular rezoning <br />be tabled and placed in the controversial category. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing at 8:52 PM. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Blanchard to remove Red Oak <br />Estates No. 3, subj to esmt; common area interest in <br />Lot 73 and 74, Block 1, attributable to the following: <br />1 -521 and 59 -721, and Red Oak Estates, Lot 1, Block 1, <br />from the Notice A rezonings, and instruct Staff to <br />prepare an ordinance for consideration on May 14. <br />5 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley advised that notices will <br />e mailed to within 350' of the property in question, <br />and also to anyone who s.,ned in on the sheet for the <br />rezoning, w;.th the hearing to be set at the May 14 <br />meeting, for July 9. He added that if the Planning <br />Commission decides to have an informational meeting, <br />notices would be sent out for that also. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the regular meeting and opened 6C. Public Hearing: <br />the third public hearing at 8:59 PM. There were Notice D <br />no comments, so he closed the public hearing. Rezonings <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Linke to have Staff prepare <br />an ordinance to effect the rezonings. <br />5 ayes <br />Motion Carried <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Doty to approve the consent 7. Approval of <br />agenda, as presented, and waive the reading of the Consent Agenda <br />resolutions. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />"otion /Second: McCarty /Hankner to have the second <br />wading and adoption of Ordinance No. 359, vacating <br />a portion of St. Stephen Street and a drainage <br />easement, and waive the reading of the resolution, <br />8. 2nd Reading and <br />Adoption of <br />Ord. No. 359 <br />