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Mounds View City Council May 14, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />Councilmember Hankner reported she had attended the Task <br />Force meeting, and she found out MAC has an ordinance, <br />No. 51, for Flying Cloud Airport, which keeps certain <br />types of aircraft out of the airport. She added the <br />ordinance is unique to Flying Cloud Airport and asked <br />if Mounds View could request something similar. <br />Mayor McCarty informed the Council that Ordinance #51 <br />had been adopted by MAC in 1979 or 1980 and since then <br />had granted a variance to this regulation to allow a <br />jet start business jet to exceed field restrictions <br />under Ordinance #51. <br />Attorney Meyers replied he had spoken to them about it <br />before, and he would check again. <br />Attorney Meyers presented a proposed resolution, drafted <br />by Grant Merritt, the special counsel for the City, and <br />asked Council approval of the resolution. He pointed <br />out that the resolution specifically states the City <br />of Fridley be asked to join in the effort. <br />There was considerable discussion among the Council regarding <br />the proposed resolution. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she would prefer writing a <br />letter to Fridley rather than putting it in resolution form. <br />Councilmember Linke questioned why Mr. Merritt would be <br />representing the City at the June 7 meeting, rather than <br />Attorney Meyers. Attorney Meyers replied that while he <br />most likely would be present, the City has retained Mr. Merritt <br />as co- counsel, for the environmental assessment, so he would be <br />making the presentation. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she would like to meet Mr. Merritt <br />and see his presentation first. <br />Councilmember Linke suggested holding off on the resolution <br />until the Council has had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Merritt, <br />which would allow them time to contact the City of Fridley and <br />discuss things further: <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to approve the resolution and <br />send to Fridley. <br />4 ayes <br />1 nay Motion Carried <br />There was discussion before the vote was taken on the <br />previous motion. <br />Councilmember Hankner voted against the motion, stating <br />y that while the City is paying Mr. Merritt $125 per hour, <br />she would like to meet him and have some questions <br />answered before voting on the resolute n. <br />Councilmember Linke suggested tabling the vote until the <br />May 29 meeting, allowing them time to <br />