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CONSENT AGENDA <br />MAY 29, 1984 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite handling of <br />routine and miscellaneous official business of the City Council. <br />The entire Agenda may be adopted by the Council in one motion. <br />The motion for adoption is non debatable and must receive unanimous <br />approval. By request of any individual Councilmember, any item <br />can be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular <br />Agenda for debate. <br />ITEM A. Approve Resolution No. 1737 Requesting to Lend Lease <br />an Intoxilyzer 5000 from the State of Minnesota <br />Department of Public Safety <br />ITEM B. Approve Mayor's Appointment of Robert Knieff and <br />Linda Bauman to the Energy Council with Terms <br />Expiring on December 31, 1986. <br />ITEM C. Approve Recommendation of and Authorize Clerk- Administrator <br />to Enter into a 12 -Month Lease Agreement with Copy Sales, <br />Inc. for the Rental of a MITA 312 RE pursuant to their <br />Proposal Dated April 11, 1984 and Contingent Upon the <br />Successful Cancellation of the Current Photocopier Lease <br />Agreement with Copy Duplicating Products, Inc. <br />ITFM D. Approve Resolution No. 1735 Opposing Industrial <br />Development Bond Per Capita Limitations <br />ITEM E. Approve Resolution No. 1743 Approving a 60 Day <br />Extension to the Project Completion Deadline for <br />Dynamic Designers <br />ITEM i. Approve Resolution No. 1744 Authorizing Release <br />of $15,000 Security Bond Provided by the Mermaid <br />Supper Club Pursuant to Development Agreement No. <br />78 -13 <br />ITEM G. <br />Set Public Hearing for 8 :45 p.m. on June 25, 1984 <br />for the Rezoning of Dailey Knolls from R -1 to R -2 <br />and a Conditional Use Permit for Alteration in a <br />Wetland <br />ITEM H. Set Public Hearing for 8:30 p.m. on June 25, 1984 for <br />the Rezoning of the West Side of Sunnyside Road <br />between Woodcrest Drive and County Road H from R -1 <br />to <br />ITT',: I. Aw,,at,,1 contract. to Bacon Electric in the amount of <br />$T,745 for Electrical Work on Wells 3,5, and 6 and <br />Poorter Pump No. 2 <br />ITEM J. Authorize the Hiring of William Heaton as a Full -Time <br />Temporary Worker in the Public Works Department for <br />a 60 Day Period at $5.00 Per Hour <br />