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CONSENT AGENDA <br />June 25, 1984 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite handling <br />of routine and miscellaneous official business of the City <br />Council. The entire agenda may be adopted by the Council in one <br />motion. The motion for adoption is non debatable and must <br />receive unanimous approval. By request of any individual <br />Councilmember, an item can be removed from the Consent Agenda and <br />placed upon the Regular Agenda for debate. <br />ITEM A. Approve Resolution No. 1755 Approving the Development <br />Agreement with Bay West, Inc <br />ITEM B. Approve Resolution No. 1752 Commending Betty Johnson for <br />Service on the Planning Commission <br />ITEM C. Approve 1984 Water Meter Service Program as Outlined in <br />Staff Memorandum Dated May 21, 1984 <br />ITEM D. Approve Installation of Fence on the South Side of the <br />Public Walkway Between Edgewood Drive and Bona Road <br />North of County Road H by Fence -Co, Inc. at a Cost of <br />$1,484.00 With a Transfer from Contingency to Account <br />No. 100 270 -4702 <br />ITEM E. Approve to Cancel July 9, 1984 Public Hearing on <br />Rezoning of Northeast Marine Property <br />ITEM F. Authorize a $400.00 Per Year Increase in the Salary of <br />Public Works /Community Development Director Steve <br />Thatcher Retroactive to June 5, 1984 <br />ITEM G. Approve Resolution No. 1753 Authorizing the Pay Rate of <br />Deanna Mortenson to $4.50 Per Hour and Dan Otterson to <br />$4.00 Per Hour <br />ITEM H. Approve Occupancy Permit for Burger King and Completion <br />of Develop%ent Agreement No. 84 -64 Requirements <br />ITEM I. Approve Resolution No. 1754 Approving Just and Correct <br />Claims Against City Funds <br />ITEA J. Licenses for Approval <br />Liquor Off Sale Expires 06/30/84 <br />B R Liquor Renewal <br />Liquor On Sale Expires 06/30/84 <br />Povlitzki's Renewal <br />