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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to direct Staff to <br />submit a letter to the Minnesota Department!of Public <br />Welfare, advising that the City is in the process o <br />-1 <br />districts, and that the proposed day care facilit <br />f <br />amending the City Zoning Code to allow day care <br />facilities in' church school buildings within R <br />in the Sunrise United Methodist Church building is <br />a <br />permissible use during the interium period. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley advised Ms. Hogan that <br />Building Inspector Rose would have to be let into <br />the building, to inspect it, as he had attempted to <br />already and the building had been locked. <br />Tom Granroth, 8415 Greenwood Drive, stated his <br />neighbor has a bug zapper in his yard which he feels <br />is as loud as a plane flying overhead. The neighbor <br />has offered to sell it for $200, but Mr. Granroth <br />stated he does not wish to buy it, and asked if the <br />City could control the use. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that in reviewing the City <br />ordinance and State statutues regarding public <br />nuisances, he feels it would be difficult to <br />surpress thin as a public nuisance, unless there <br />was some clear definition of bug zappers. He <br />stated the Council could set time guidelines in <br />an ordinance, and regulate noise levels. <br />Mayor McCarty stated that the bug season would be <br />long over in the time it would take to proceed with <br />any action. He suggested Mr. Granroth may want to <br />take civil action. He also suggested Staff could <br />research the matter. Mayor McCarty stated he <br />personally would want to publish any ordinance <br />change in the paper and get feedback from the residents <br />before acting on the ordinance. <br />John Winiecki, 7575 Groveland, advised the southwest <br />corner of Groveland and County Road I is overgrown <br />with lilac bushes and presents a hazard with cars <br />trying to pull out into the intersection. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley advised he would have <br />Staff check into it. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the <br />the first public hearing <br />Director Thatcher gave a <br />proposed rezoning. <br />regular meeting and opened <br />at 7:45 PM. <br />brief overview of the <br />July 23, 1984 <br />Page Two <br />Motion Carried <br />7A. Public Hearing: <br />Rezoning of <br />7544 Silver Lake <br />Road <br />