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1. Call to Order <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />August 27, 1984 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />A G E N D A <br />2. Pledge of Allegiance <br />3. Roll Call Doty, Linke, Hankner, Blanchard, McCarty <br />4. Approval of Minutes: August 13, 1984 <br />(Received in 8 -20 -84 packet) <br />5. Public Hearings 7:40 p.m. Cable TV Franchise <br />Amendment No. 1 <br />6. Residents Requests and Comments From <br />CITIZENS: BEFORE SPEAKING PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME <br />AND ADDRESS FOR THE MINUTES <br />7. Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />ITEM A. Approve Resolution Cancelling Collection of <br />Assessment <br />ITEM B. Approve Resolution No. 1782 Ratifying the <br />Appointment of Election Judges for the State <br />Primary Election <br />ITEM C. Approve Resolution No. 1784 Requesting Ramsey <br />County Consider Placement of Four -Way Stop at <br />Intersection of Long Lake Road and Hillview <br />Road <br />ITEM D. Authorize the Hiring of Serco Laboratories for <br />Well No. 3 Phase II Pilot Plant Work at a Cost <br />Not to Exceed $5,600 <br />ITEM E. Approve Resolution No. 1778 Amending Resolution <br />1462 Establishing Various Fees and Charges <br />ITEM F. Set 1985 Revenue Sharing Budget Hearing for <br />7 :40 p.m. Monday, September 10, 1984 <br />