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Mounds View City Council October 8, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Planning Commission's rezonings. <br />Attorney Meyers asked the Council to specify what <br />findings were being made to support the denial of <br />the motion. The Council replied Resolution No. <br />123 -84 of the Planning Commission. <br />Mayor McCarty read a memo he had presented 9. 1st Reading <br />to the Council earlier in the evening re- of Ordinance <br />garding proposed Ordinance 383, and asked 383 <br />that it become part of the minutes. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to deny Ordinance <br />No. 383 and future Councils may take up at the <br />proper time. <br />2 ayes <br />3 nays Motion Failed <br />Councilmembers Linke, Blanchard and Hankner <br />voted against the motion. <br />There was considerable discussion among the <br />Councilmembers with statements being made tI- t <br />this item was a political issue, and statements <br />regarding party eodoresements. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that many months <br />ago the Council had discussed this item at an <br />agenda session, and she had proposed a task force <br />to review it, with our members of the Council <br />stating they could agree to that. She explained <br />a search had begun for a task force, but it became <br />too late in the budget process to set one up. She <br />reviewed the proposed increase, stating it is about <br />average of cities the same size in the metro area, and <br />is in keeping with the City policy of maintaining medium <br />range salaries as for the salary increases proposed for <br />Staff. She also pointed out there had been no increase <br />in the Council salaries since 1972 and for the amount of <br />work the Council puts in she felt this was fair. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she felt now was the <br />time to vote on it, and she was in favor of having the first <br />reading of the ordinance. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he felt it an increase in compensation <br />was in order for. the Council, they should take it on a <br />biannual basis and give the residents the opportunity to <br />approve it at the ballot box. <br />:'here was considerable discussion among the Council <br />regarding whether a special election would fulfill the <br />requirement for the ordinance to go into effect. <br />