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AGENDA <br />PAGE TWO <br />ITEM B. Approve Staff Recommendation for the Purchase <br />of Civil Defense Communications Equipment Dated <br />October 8, 1984 and Authorize A Transfer from <br />the 1984 General Fund Contingency in the Amount <br />of $550.00 to Account 100 230 -4703 <br />ITEM C. Authorize Payment in the Amount of $5,400.00 to <br />Serco Laboratories for Well No. 3 Pilot Plant, <br />Phase I Work <br />ITEM D. Declare 200 Corad Water Meters Surplus Property <br />and Authorize Their Sale to Water Products <br />Comany for $1.50 /Meter <br />ITEM E. Approve Staff Recommendation for the Hiring of <br />Brian Hoffman as Full Time Engineering <br />Technician /Assistant Building Inspector at <br />$9.00 Per Hour and a Transfer of $848,00 from <br />the 1985 General Fund Contingency to Account <br />No. 100 260 -4010 <br />ITEM F. Approve Resolution No. 1826 Approving Just and <br />Correct Claims Against City Funds <br />ITEM G. Licenses for Approval <br />General Expires 6/30/85 <br />American Structural Metals, Inc.- New <br />Heating and Air Conditioning 6/30/85 <br />Rouse Me;;hanical Inc. New <br />Restaurant Expires 6/30/85 <br />Mounds View Country Inn New <br />10. Third Quarter 1984 Departm nt. Head Reports <br />Public Works /Community Development Director Thatcher <br />Finance Director Brayer <br />Parks, Recreation and Forestry Director Anderson <br />Police Chief Ramacher <br />11. Consideration of Resolution No. 1823 Authorizing the <br />City of Mounds View to File an Application and Execute a <br />Grant Project Agreement to Develop Open Space Under the <br />Provision of the State Natural Resource Fund <br />12. Authorize Mayor to Enter Into Memorandum of <br />Understanding Between The City of Mounds View and <br />Donald F. Pauley, Clerk- Administrator <br />13. Second Reading and A'-option of Ordinance No. 383 <br />Amending The Municipal Code of Mounds View By Amending <br />Chapter 2.09 Entitled, "Compensation of Mayor and <br />Council" <br />