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Mounds View City Council April 22, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />The Council stated that based on their calculations, <br />the developer could possibly get 12 if not 13 lots <br />with the density bonus. <br />Director Thatcher reviewed the Planning Ctimmissions <br />Resolution No. 128 -85. Park Director Anderson <br />explained the project is planned for 1990. <br />Councilmember Hankner expressed concern about <br />approving the project now and locking a future <br />Council into it. She also recommended adding the <br />approval of the Ramsey County Highway Department <br />to the resolution. <br />Motion /Second: Haake /Blanchard to approve the pro- <br />posal for the Ramsey County Park and Recreation <br />Department dated March 6, 1985 to construct a trail <br />along the south side of Rice Creek, with the addition <br />of #6, that it be contingent upon approval of the <br />Ramsey County Public Works Department. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />13. Ramsey County <br />Park and Rec <br />Departments <br />Request Regarding,, <br />Rice Creek <br />Motion Carried <br />Director Thatcher reviewed the plans for the propos- 14. Consideration of <br />ed project. He explained a walkway is not planned Gale -Yost Addn. <br />at this time but could be added, and would cost the on Laport Drive <br />City approximately $1,500. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated the funds would <br />have to come from the contingency fund. He suggested <br />making an amendment to the proposed resolution and <br />having Staff report back on the source of the funds. <br />He pointed out also that there could likely be a <br />request for a fence on both sides of the walkway, <br />and lighting, which would increase the cost. <br />Councilmember Hankner sugges`ed that rather than <br />including it as part of the development now, it <br />might be better to wait until the budget process for <br />the next year. <br />Mayor Linke replied it would be more expensive to <br />come back later to do the work. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Haake to approve the plans and <br />specifications for the Gale -Yost addition as presented, <br />with the addition of a paved walkway from the north end <br />of the cul -de -sac to Ardan Avenue, and placement of a <br />light at the pole located half way between Ardan and <br />Laport, dependent upon approval of the residents, and <br />direct Staff to schedule a bid opening date, identify <br />the source of funds and secure approvals from the <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Waste <br />Control Commission and the Minnesota Department of Health. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion Carried <br />