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Mounds View City Council August 26, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Tor Wistrom, representing Kraus Anderson, reviewed the <br />street light proposal and placement of the lights. He <br />added they have authorized NSP to go ahead and install <br />the street lights, and they hope to begin work later <br />this week. <br />Bob Wagner, 2590 Mounds View Drive, asked what the <br />street lighting would consist of. <br />Mr. Wistrom showed the plan for the lights and their <br />placement. <br />Director Thatcher explained two lights have been in <br />place since 1982, but NSP would not turn them on until <br />the property was developed. <br />Joe Mesanz, 2626 Lake Court Drive, asked the status of <br />the rezoning. <br />Mayor Linke explained it had been approved with the <br />securJ reading and adoption earlier in the evening. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained some of the history of <br />the property, with the owner attempting to sell it and <br />finding a buyer in Super America. She explained the <br />developer is very willing to work with the City, and <br />the only reason rezoning was necessary was for the <br />installation of the gas pumps. She also pointed out <br />that Super America has agreed that if in the future <br />the gas pumps are no longer being used, they will be <br />removed, along with the tanks. She added that as <br />members of the Council, they must be very careful <br />about the decisions they make. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 8:29 PM. <br />Attorney Meyers advised the Council to base their 14. Consideration <br />findings on section 40.25, Subd. C, (2), which of Resolution <br />includes that the use will not create an excessive No. 1921 <br />burden on existing parks, schools, streets and <br />other public facilities and utilities which serve or <br />are proposed to serve the area, that the use will be <br />sufficiently compatible or separated by distance or <br />screening from adjacent residentially zoned or used <br />land so that existing homes will not be depreciated <br />in value and there will be no deterrance to develop- <br />ment of vacant land, that the structure and site shall <br />have an appearance that will not have an adverse <br />effect upon adjacent residential properties, that <br />the use, in the opinion of the City Council, is <br />reasonably related to the overall needs of the City <br />and to the existing land use, that the use is consistent <br />with the purposes of the Zoning Code and the purposes <br />