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Mounds View City Council August 26, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Nine <br />Ken Sjodin, representing the Gale's and Yost's, stated <br />that John Johnson had given them an estimate of $38,000, <br />and they proceeded based on that estimate. He stated <br />he would have to check with his clients to see how they <br />would like to proceed. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Haake to table action on this <br />item until September 9, 1985. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported this item had been 18. <br />placed on the agenda in error and would be on the <br />September 3, 1985 agenda instead. <br />Director Thatcher asked for approval of Resolution No. 19. <br />1922, in appreciation to Josey Warren for her service <br />on the Planning Commission. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to approve Resolution <br />No. 1922, in appreciation to Josey Warren for her <br />service to the Planning Commission, and waive the <br />reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers had no report. <br />Councilmember Quick had no report. 21. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported she had attended the <br />performance of "Oklahoma" by the Mounds View Community <br />Theater and found it very good. <br />Councilmember Haake had no report. <br />Councilmember Hankner had no report. <br />Mayor Linke reported he had also attended the performance <br />of "Oklahoma" and enjoyed it also. <br />Mayor Linke reported he had received a letter from <br />William Wilson, a Councilmember with the City of St. Paul, <br />asking for the City to work with them against NSP and <br />their request for electric rate increases. He asked that <br />Staff look into it and make a presentation at the next <br />agenda session. <br />Motion Carried <br />Staff Memo <br />Regarding Micro- <br />film Reader/ <br />Printer <br />Report of Public <br />Works /Community <br />Dvlpt. Director <br />Motion Carried <br />20. Report of <br />Attorney <br />Reports of <br />Councilmembers <br />