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CONSENT AGENDA <br />AUGUST 26, 1985 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite <br />handling of routine and miscellaneous official business of <br />the City Council. The entire agenda may be adopted by the <br />Council in one motion. The motion for adoption is non <br />debatable and must receive unanimous approval. By request <br />of any individual Councilmember, an item can be removed from <br />the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda for <br />debate. <br />ITEM A. Reschedule September 2, 1985 Agenda Session to <br />September 3, 1985 <br />ITEM B. Schedule 1986 General Forestry, Debt Service, <br />Water Utility and Sewer Utility Funds Operating <br />Budgets for 7:40 p.m. on September 23, 1985 <br />ITEM C. Approve Proposal from Solidification, Inc. in <br />the Amount of $10,689 to Vapor Root Treatment <br />16,816 1.f. of Sanitary Sewer Line and Seal 37 <br />Defective Service Line Joints <br />ITEM D. Approve Proposal from Shenehon- Goodlund- Taylor, <br />Inc. to Perform an Appraisal of the Herbst <br />Property for Park Dedication Fee Purposes at a <br />Cost Not to Exceed $2,000 <br />ITEM E. Set Public Hearing for Monday, September 23, <br />1985 at. 7:10 p.m. for Major Subdivision (2 lots <br />into lots) and Conditional Use Permit for a <br />400 si. ft. Accessory Building for 8085 <br />Woodlawn Drive <br />ITEM F. Approve Resolution No. 1918 Approving Just and <br />Correct Claims Against City Funds <br />ITEM G. Licenses for Approval <br />General Expires 6/30/86 <br />Niwinski Construction, Inc. New <br />Asphalt Expires 6/30/86 <br />Bituminous Consulting Contracting Co., Inc. <br />Renewal <br />Heating Air Conditioning 6/30/86 <br />Geothermal Heating Air Conditioning New <br />St. Marie Sheet Metal Renewal <br />T. G. S. Mechanical New <br />