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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />irector Thatcher reviewed proposed Ordinance No. 403. 9. 1st Reading <br />of Ordinance <br />"Motion /Second: Hankner /Blanchard to have the first No. 403 <br />reading of Ordinance No.: the municipal <br />c ode of Mounds View_by amending Chapter 40 entitled <br />"Zoning and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />Director Thatcher reviewed proposed Ordinance No. 406. 10. 1st Reading <br />He recommended a public hearing be held, either before Ordinance No. <br />after the first reading. 406 <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she would like to table <br />the first reading until after the public hearing, as <br />long as there is no great rush for this rezoning. <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Quick to table the first <br />reading of Ordinance No. 406 until after the public <br />hearing, and set the public hearing for March 24, 1986 <br />at 7:05 PM. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />irector Thatcher updated the Council on the status 11. Report of <br />of Well #1. He explain °ad they have pulled the well Public Works/ <br />pump and motor and they definitely need a new pump, Community <br />and they could repair the motor at a cost of $2,500, Development <br />or purchase a new, more energy efficient motor for Director <br />$4,500. He stated he will have additional information <br />for the Council at their next agenda session. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley added there are adequate <br />funds in the Maintenance and Capital Improvement <br />Account for the Sewer and Water Department. <br />Mayor Linke reported that Attorney Karney was 12. Report of <br />detained out of town. <br />Councilmember Quick reported he had attended a 13. Reports of <br />joint Park and Rec Commission meeting on February Councilmembers <br />13, at Brightwood Hills, which included Mounds View, <br />New Brighton, Shoreview, Arden Hills and Maplewood. <br />He stated he felt the meeting was successful and <br />they were all brought up to date on the new county <br />park at Long Lake. He added their main concern <br />seemed to be funding of the maintenance. <br />ouncilmember Haake reported she had attended the <br />Festivities Commission meeting earlier in the <br />evening, and Tony Jambor is proposing a citizens <br />dance, which the City would be involved in. She <br />February 24, 198 <br />Page Six <br />Motion Carri <br />Motion Carried <br />Attorney <br />