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Mounds View City Council March 24, 1986 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Councilmember Hankner stated they must first determine <br />whether a movement of 2500' would have any adverse affect <br />on the City, which they should be able to determine through <br />the EIS. <br />Alice Frits asked when the meeting with MAC was held, <br />how long it lasted, and what will happen with the runway <br />that is torn up. <br />Councilmember Hankner replied the meeting was an executive <br />session, attended by the previously appointed members of <br />the Council. She added the City does not know yet what MAC <br />will be doing with the runway pavement that is torn up. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that no formal meeting took <br />place between the Council and MAC during her time on the <br />Council, for the purpose of negotiations <br />Mayor Linke stated the meeting was held on March 13, at the <br />State Capital, and lasted approximately one hour. <br />Duane McCarty stated many meetings were held before the <br />lawsuit with MAC, but that no progress was made at that time. <br />Mayor Linke read a letter the City had sent requesting <br />the EIS amendment. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she also does not like the format <br />of the agenda sessions, in that the public does not attend <br />them and then is not informed. She stated she would prefer <br />having regular meetings throughout the month and foregoing <br />the agenda sessions. <br />Mayor Linke states he feels the agenda sessions serve a purpose, <br />and he has had input from citizens, stating they prefer to <br />deal with the Council on a more informal basis at agenda sessions, <br />rather than at the formal meetings. <br />Councilmember Haake stated she could agree that many people <br />are more comfortable in talking to the Council at agenda <br />sessions, but the public in general does not turn out for them. <br />She added she has no problem with the regular meetings lasting <br />until 11 PM or midnight, if necessary, to cover all the <br />business. <br />Mayor Linke asked that the people who are last on the agenda be <br />remembered, as they do not want to wait until after midnight to <br />be heard, and the Council is not fresh at that late hour. <br />Councilmember Hankner suggested considering going to four regular <br />meetings a month, which should alleviate the late hour yet still <br />allow the citizens to be informed. <br />Councilmember Haake stated she agreed that the solution may <br />be to go to four regular meetings per month. <br />