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Mounds View City Council March 24, 1986 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />r,ynn Foss of Foss Sweeping, asked for a clarifica- <br />.ion of why the street sweeping bid was awarded to <br />someone else. He stated it was his understanding <br />that his bid was low when they were opened. <br />Director Thatcher explained that when the City <br />opened the bids, none of the bidders met the <br />requirement to provide a bid bond along with the <br />bid, so all bids were rejected, and he called the <br />two lowest bidders, of which Mr. Foss was one, <br />and they both then provided it. Subsequently, <br />the City received quotes from both the parties <br />involved, which were lower than their original <br />bids, and American Sweepers, Inc. was the lowest <br />quote received. <br />Mr. Foss stated he does not feel the bond should be <br />required until the work is being done, and he <br />expressed dissatisfaction that he was not awarded <br />the bid. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated the bidders all should <br />have been informed that the item was going to be <br />discussed at the March 17 agenda session. <br />Councilmember Haake stated they have not done a good <br />ob of notifying people when certain items are up <br />for discussion informally at an agenda session, and <br />that while Staff has only operated in the direction <br />the Council has had them in the past, it should be <br />looked at now. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated that MAC'S capital 17. Report of <br />improvement plan is going before the Systems Committee Clerk/ <br />of the Met Council on March 25. Administrator <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley passed out draft copies of <br />the Economic Development Plan to the Council, and <br />stated it would be placed on the April 7 agenda <br />session, at which time he would like feedback from <br />the Council. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley passed out proposed <br />Resolution No. 1994, for the 1987 long term financial <br />plan and budget calendar, and asked Council's approval. <br />Mayor Linke stated he would like the employee reviews <br />done before the Council discusses salaries during the <br />budget process. <br />lerk /Administrator Pauley explained how the system <br />Stworis set up presently and recommended possibly going to <br />two reviews per year, as it is important to do the <br />review as close as possible to the financial <br />compensation. <br />