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CONSENT AGENDA <br />MARCH 24, 1986 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite <br />handling of routine and miscellaneous official business of <br />the City Council. The entire agenda may he adopted by the <br />Council in one motion. The motion for adoption is non- <br />debatable and must receive unanimous approval. By request <br />of any individual Councilmember, an item can be removed from <br />the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda for <br />debate. <br />ITEM A. Approve 1986 Wage Rate of $8.34 Per Hour for <br />Energy Coordinator Retroactive to January 1, <br />1986 <br />ITEM B. Approve 1986 Salary Structure <br />ITEM C. Approve Resolution No. 1989 Approving Local 320 <br />Labor Agreement <br />ITEM D. Approve Resolution No. 1993 Designating <br />Retained Earnings of the Water and Sewer Funds <br />for Future Water and Sewer Main Breaks <br />ITEM E. Approve Resolution No. 1992 Designating <br />Retained Earnings of the Sewer Fund for Future <br />Maintenance and Capital Improvement Projects <br />ITEM F. Approve Resolution No. 1991 Designating <br />Retained Earnings of the Water Fund for Future <br />Maintenance and Capital Improvement Projects <br />ITEM G. Reject Original Bids for Street Sweeping and <br />Accept the Proposal from American Sweepers, <br />Inc. Dated March 12, 1986 to Sweep Streets in <br />the Spring at $42.50 Per Hour for A Not to <br />Exceed Price of $4,600.00 <br />ITEM H. Approve Resolution No. 1987 Relating to Parking <br />Restrictions on S.A.P. 146- 234 -02 from State <br />Highway 10 to Quincy Street in the City of <br />Mounds View, Minnesota <br />ITEM I. Award 1986 Low Bid of Pierson Wilcox Electric <br />Company Less Deductive Alternate and Alternate <br />#1 and Approve Contract in the Amount of <br />$52,254.00 for Water Treatment Plant No. 1 <br />Electrical Controls <br />ITEM J. Approve Amendment to Increase the Contract with <br />Bergerson- Caswell, Inc. for Well No. 1 <br />Maintenance and Repair in the Amount of <br />$4,350.00 for Replacement of Pump Motor <br />