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Councilmember Blanchard had no report. <br />Mbunds View City Council April 14, 1986 <br />Page Seven <br />Regular Meeting <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Hankner to authorize a budget <br />of $500 from the Council account for the second <br />annual City Council and Staff picnic, and to set <br />up a committee to include representation from all <br />departments, including the Council, to organize <br />this event <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />It was agreed that Councilmembers Quick and Hankner <br />would be co- chairmen of the event. <br />Councilmember Haake had no report. <br />Mayor Linke reported he had received an invitation <br />from the Ramsey County Friends of the Library for <br />their annual spring meeting on April 26, and asked <br />Staff to find someone to attend, as he would be <br />out of town on that date. <br />Mayor Linke reported he will be attending the library <br />board meeting on April 22. He also reported that <br />,Ramsey County is holding an open house reception <br />on April 22, from 4 -6 PM, for the new directors. <br />Councilmember Hankner agreed to represent the City <br />at that event. <br />Mayor Linke reminded everyone that the appreciation <br />dinner is Saturday, April 19. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported the City has 20. Report of <br />received the EIS for the Anoka County /Blaine Clerk/Administra- <br />Airport, and he will be monitoring the check -out tor <br />of the report, as it is the only copy the City has, <br />and due to it's length, it will take quite a while <br />to get through. He noted that there is a copy <br />available at the Blaine branch of the Anoka County <br />library. <br />Councilmember Haake reported she had also received <br />a copy of the report, and she would bring it to <br />City Hall. <br />Motion /Second: Haake /Hankner to schedule the May <br />12, 1986 meeting to begin at 6:00 PM, so that the <br />Council can adjourn in time to be at the Spring <br />sake Park High School auditorium for the 7:30 PM <br />-:i earing on the airpo <br />5 ayes <br />Councilmember <br />Blanchard <br />Councilmember <br />Quick <br />Motion Carried <br />Councilmember <br />Haake <br />Mayor Linke <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />