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Mounds View City Council Octcber 13, 1986 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Mayor Linke stated that if the development goes a 50/50 <br />mix of office and warehouse space, it would reduce the <br />anticipated traffic flow to and from the area. <br />Kay Radlinger, 2199 County Road H2, stated she can live <br />with the proposed project, but she is concerned about <br />access onto County Road H2, as there are children on <br />Quincy all hours of the day and she does not feel there <br />is a good time for the traffic to go up Quincy at all. <br />She added she does not feel the truckers will obey the <br />signs, prohibiting truck traffic. <br />Mayor Linke replied there are three proposed stop signs <br />to be placed between County Road H2 and County Road I <br />on Quincy, which should significantly slow the traffic. <br />Duane Nelson, 5459 Quincy, stated the people on Quincy <br />were told a few years ago there would be no exit from <br />the development onto County Road H2. <br />Susan Mitchell, 5493 Quincy, stated she does not care <br />how many more cars are projected, she has five children <br />crossing the street all day, and she does not want the <br />traffic. <br />Betty Wahl, 5425 Quincy, stated she was promised by <br />Steve Thatcher that the development would not be allowed <br />access onto County Road H2. She added she does not want <br />to see an increase in traffic <br />Andrew Hume, 5316 Quincy, presented a petition to the <br />Council of about 100 signatures, regarding access <br />onto County Road T:2 and traffic on Quincy. He stated he <br />has two daughters who walk to school, and the sidewalks <br />are not cleared during the winter, and the children end <br />up walking in the street. <br />Wally Johnson, 2287 Cour._y Road H2, stated he was repre- <br />senting his mother at that address. He stated she is <br />not necessarily against the development but he feels it <br />could be done without access onto County Road H2 or <br />using Quincy, and he does not feel the setbacks are <br />wide enough, or the berms high enough. He suggested <br />cutting down on the square footage, to improve the <br />parking situation, and getting access through the vacant <br />property southeast of them, coming off the exit ramp. <br />Mayor Linke explained JLN does not own the property <br />southeast of them, and it is tied up in litigation. <br />He also stated he doubts MnDOT would agree to them <br />tying into the exit ramp. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated they must keep in mind the <br />health, safety and welfare, in wanting to close off <br />access to County Road H2. <br />